My Job Chart

How many of you have heard of I admit I had never heard of it until I got an e-mail from Mom Select. Boy am I glad I got that e-mail. My Job Chart is an online chore chart for kids! Even better it is a FREE Online Chore Chart for kids (or you)!

The site is easy to navigate. To sign up all I had to do was enter an e-mail. I then put in my name as parent and my daughter as child. After inputting our names I clicked on Add Job. It took me to a window with a list of options. Such as, brushing teeth, cleaning room, taking out the trash, etc….Then you click on what day you want them to do each item. It was that easy!

Each job you input has a reward point value. After you finish inputting the jobs you would like for your children you can go to rewards and choose from many options including, Ice cream, time with dad, camping, going to the park, etc…..After discussing the rewards my daughter and I decided that after she reaches 25 points then her and I will go on a picnic together. She is so excited to get going on her little chores.

I am very happy with this site! It was easy to use and I feel that it will be very fulfilling to my child. She is only 4 and is excited about doing house work. I know that if I teacher her at a young age she will be prepared when she is older! I am also excited for her to reach 25 points so we can have a picnic together! I know that this is the inspiration she needs to help her want to do her chores! I encourage all of you to check out the site and create an account! What could it hurt? It’s free, and I know you will love it! So don’t forget to click the link and check it out!!

One thought on “My Job Chart

  1. I just started giving my daughters chores, and they earn fake dollars that they can spend at my fake store! I will definitely check out this site!!

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